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Alexandros Panagiotopoulos (cultural manager of “Messolonghi by Locals”)  was one of the 30 fellows selected for the program “START: Create Cultural Change 2018-19”. For the first phase “START” he followed a two-month cultural development skills development program. He started the training in Berlin and then continued at the Nellie Nashorn Socio-Cultural Center in the German city of Lorrach where he was asked to implement a mini project. The project he organised was a participatory photo exhibition entitled “My Lörrach is/ My Messolonghi is..”. The exhibition included photos sent by citizens after an open call that was made inviting them to send photos that answer the question: “If Lörrach / Messolonghi was an image, which one would it be?”. The aim of the exhibition was to give citizens the opportunity to express what their city means to them through a click on their camera. The response from the public to the call was exceptional as in a short time a total of 107 photos were sent from citizens of the two cities.